Fenfang Li Laboratory 
Biomedical Ultrasound and Microfluidics


About us

Li Lab at Shenzhen Bay Laboratory focuses on the mechanical influence and bioeffects of therapeutic ultrasound and microfluidics. In particular we are interested in the interaction of cells and tissues with acoustic waves and flows, as well as developing new ultrasound and microfludic techniques for biomedical application. 

Methods that are used daily in our labs are ultrasound stimulation, microfluidics, high-speed photography, fluorescence microscopy in vitro and in vivo, and whole-cell patch-clamp.  Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) is a newly established institute located in the heart of the China Greater Bay Area. Launched by Peking University and Shenzhen city, SZBL focuses on biomedical research.

We are seeking highly motivated and creative scientists to join us at all levels, including postdoc, RA, graduate student, undergraduate and intern. Self-motivated undergrad intern no less than 3 month are welcome. Please refer to the current openings for more details.